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What is OpenHandWay - Spiritual Facilitation ?

A Great Shift of consciousness is taking place across the Earth, progressively unraveling the old reality and ascending sentient life into a New 5D Paradigm of Being. Humanity has lived for too long disconnected from the natural flow, thereby creating a disempowering reality. But now souls are breaking through. A new evolution of Humanity is ascending into 5D consciousness.

You become interconnected with the natural flow of the Universe, with signs and synchronicity guiding your every step. There's no need to effort and struggle - life becomes about expressing your true self, unfolding ever more profound gifts of your soul, constantly supported by the divine.

The Earth's 5D Ascension Shift is challenging and complex. But let that not deter you - a vast array of supporters have gathered here from across the cosmos, acting through the ether, often unseen, to support your evolution. The Openhand energy is a part of that benevolent mission. It's all about resonating frequencies of authentic beingness, through the ether, in meditation or in the written and spoken word. We're helping humanity toward a new evolution of consciousness as Cosmic Divine Beings.

Openhand Approach

The way to true success and fulfilment in life, is to recognise the one, underlying purpose of the Universe: to unveil YOU as a profound expression of the One. The Universe is constantly working in every moment to facilitate this divine beauty. The Openhand Approach is a way - a spiritual compass - for connecting you to the core essence of your soul, by feeling through inner density, and unleashing the majesty that is you. By expressing this profound beingness, your whole world shapes in the most magical of ways.

One to One

  • Free 15 minute phone discovery

  • 1 Hour Private Session  $147

    • Additional +30mins  $50

    • Add Reiki to another Treatment: +30mins $50

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